Standards for Sharing
Information With Others
Recommended by the National Genealogical Society
Conscious of the fact that sharing information or data with others, whether
through speech, documents or electronic media, is essential to family history
research and that it needs continuing support and encouragement, responsible
family historians consistently—
- respect the restrictions on sharing information that arise from the rights
of another as an author, originator or compiler; as a living private person;
or as a party to a mutual agreement.
- observe meticulously the legal rights of copyright owners, copying or
distributing any part of their works only with their permission, or to the
limited extent specifically allowed under the law's "fair use"
- identify the sources for all ideas, information and data from others, and
the form in which they were received, recognizing that the unattributed use
of another's intellectual work is plagiarism.
- respect the authorship rights of senders of letters, electronic mail and
data files, forwarding or disseminating them further only with the sender's
- inform people who provide information about their families as to the ways
it may be used, observing any conditions they impose and respecting any
reservations they may express regarding the use of particular items.
- require some evidence of consent before assuming that living people are
agreeable to further sharing of information about themselves.
- convey personal identifying information about living people—like age,
home address, occupation or activities—only in ways that those concerned
have expressly agreed to.
- recognize that legal rights of privacy may limit the extent to which
information from publicly available sources may be further used,
disseminated or published.
- communicate no information to others that is known to be false, or without
making reasonable efforts to determine its truth, particularly information
that may be derogatory.
- are sensitive to the hurt that revelations of criminal, immoral, bizarre
or irresponsible behavior may bring to family members.
©2000 by National Genealogical Society. Permission is granted
to copy or publish this material provided it is reproduced in its entirety,
including this notice.