Pike County
Obituary Died in St. Louis Mrs. Agnes Bolte, nee Ruether, widow of the late Henry Bolte died in St. Louis Saturday, April 22nd at the age of 69 years, four months and sixteen days. Mrs. Bolte leaves four boys and three daughters as follows: John H., Bolte of Okeene, Okla., Fred W., Bernard, Henry W., Anna M. and Mary K. Bolte of St. Louis and was a sister to Sister Hedwig of the Ursuline Order. Her grand-children are Theo G., Agnes K., Margaret B. and Fabian C. Bolte of Okeene, Okla. Mrs. Bolte lived in Washington many years ago, and from here moved to Ashley, Pike County, Mo., and the last 14 years resided in St. Louis. The funeral took place Tuesday morning at her home at 804 Hickory Street and and [sic] after services at the St. Vincentde Paul's church. Interment was made in the church cemetery. Mrs. Bolte was an aunt to Fred J. Reuter, and Mr.s and Mrs. Reuter of this city and Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Roehrig of near Augusta attended the funeral.
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