I - Z

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Icterus jaundice
Impetigo contagious skin disease characterized by pustules; aka scrumpox
Inanition physical condition resulting from lack of food
Infantile Paralysis polio
Infection affection or contamination of a person, organ, or wound with invading, multiplying, disease-producing germs
Inflammation redness, swelling, pain, tenderness, heat, and disturbed function of an area of the body, especially as a result of injury
Intestinal Colic abdominal pain due to improper diet
Jail Fever typhus
Jaundice condition caused by obstruction of bile and characterized by yellowness of the skin, fluids and tissues, and by constipation, loss of appetite, and weakness
Kidney Stone gravel
King's Evil tuberculosis of neck and lymph glands; aka scrofula
Kruchhusten whooping cough
La Grippe Influenza
Lagrippe Influenza
Lockjaw tetanus; infectious disease affecting the muscles of the neck and jaw; untreated, it is fatal in 8 days; aka trismus, tetanus
Long Sickness tuberculosis
Lues syphilis
Lues Venera venereal disease
Lumbago back pain
Lung Fever pneumonia or tuberculosis
Lung Sickness tuberculosis
Lying In time of delivery of infant
Malignant Fever typhus
Malignant Sore Throat diphtheria
Mania insanity
Marasmus progressive wasting away of body, like malnutrition
Membranous Croup diphtheria
Meningitis inflammations of brain or spinal cord; aka brain fever
Metritis inflammation of uterus or purulent vaginal discharge
Miasma poisonous vapors thought to infect the air
Milk fever disease from drinking contaminated milk; fever which effects lactating women
Milk leg Post partum thrombophlebitis
Milk Sick poisoning resulting from the drinking of milk produced by a cow who had eaten a plant known as white snake root
Milk sickness poisoning resulting from the drinking of milk produced by a cow who had eaten a plant known as white snake root
Morbus Latin word for disease
Mormal gangrene
Morphew scurvy blisters on the body
Morsal gangrene
Mortification gangrene of necrotic tissue; infection
Myelitis inflammation of the spine
Myocarditis inflammation of heart muscles
Necrosis mortification of bones or tissue
Nephritis inflammation of kidneys
Nephrosis kidney degeneration
Nepritis inflammation of kidneys
Nervous Prostration extreme exhaustion from inability to control physical and mental activities
Neuralgia discomfort - e.g. "Headache" was neuralgia in head
Neurasthenia neurotic condition
Nostalgia homesickness
Palsy paralysis or uncontrolled movement of controlled muscles
Paristhmitis quinsy
Paroxysm convulsion
Pemphigus skin disease of watery blisters
performed involuntary
Pericarditis inflammation of heart
Peripneumonia inflammation of lungs
Peritonitis inflammation of abdominal area
Pertossis breathing difficulties - sometimes convulsions; aka Whooping Cough, Chin Cough
Pest Pestilence.
Pesthouse special isolation hospital or quarantine house for victims of contagious epidemic diseases
Petechial Fever fever characterized by skin spotting; see typhus
Peurperal Exhaustion death due to child birth
Phlegmasia Alba Dolens milk leg
Phrenitis inflammation of the brain with acute fever delirium; inflammation of the diaphragm.
Phthiriasis lice infestation
Phthisis chronic wasting away or a name for tuberculosis; consumption
Plague acute febrile highly infectious disease with a high fatality rate; aka Bubonic Plague
Black Death bubonic plague
Pleurisy any pain in the chest area with each breath
Pneumonia inflammation of the lungs with congestion or consolidation
Podagra gout
Poliomyelitis fibroid pthisis; aka Polio, Potter's asthma
Potter's Asthma fibroid pthisis
Pott's Disease tuberculosis of spine
Pox any unknown disease that caused sores to appear on the body; usually referred to syphilis
Protein Disease childhood kidney disease that causes the kidney to leak protein; allergic reaction to certain kinds of strep infections
Puerperal Exhaustion death due to childbirth
Puerperal Fever elevated temperature after giving birth to an infant; aka Childbed Fever
Puking Fever milk sickness
Pus yellow-white substance found in abscesses and sores
Putrid Fever diphtheria
Putrid Sore Throat acute ulceration of the tonsils
Pyrexia dysentery
Quinsy tonsillitis
Quincy tonsillitis
Remitting Fever malaria
Rheumatism any disorder associated with pain in joints
Rickets disease of skeletal system
Rose Cold hay fever or nasal symptoms of an allergy
Roseola scarlet colored rash
Rotanny Fever child's disease
Rubella German measles
Rubeola German measles
Saint Anthony's Fire skin disease caused by strep infection which devastates the blood; aka Erysiphelas
Saint Vitus' Dance epidemic characterized by contortions, convulsions, and dancing; aka Dancing Madness, Chorea
Sanguineous Crust scab
Scarlatina scarlet fever
Scarlet Fever disease characterized by red rash
Scarlet Rash roseola
Scarlet Thrush roseola
Sciatica rheumatism in the hips
Scirrhus cancerous tumors
Scotomy dizziness, nausea and dimness of sight
Screws rheumatism
Scrivener's Palsy writer's cramp
Scrofula tuberculosis of neck lymph glands; see King's Evil
Scrumpox skin disease, impetigo
Scurvy weakness, spongy gums and hemorrhages under skin caused by lack of vitamin C
Septecemia blood poisoning (from an infection)
Septic local or generalized infection
Septicemia blood poisoning
Shakes delirium tremens
Shaking chills, ague
Shingles viral disease with skin blisters
Ship Fever typhus
Ship's Fever typhus
Simple Smiling Jesus spinal meningitis
Siriasis inflammation of the brain due to sun exposure
Sloes milk sickness
Smallpox contagious disease with fever and blisters
Softening of brain result of stroke or hemorrhage in the brain, with an end result of the tissue softening in that area
Sore Throat Distemper diphtheria or quinsy
Spanish Influenza epidemic influenza
Spasms sudden involuntary contraction of muscle or group of muscles, like a convulsion
Spina Bifida deformity of spine
Spotted fever typhus; meningitis
Sprue tropical disease characterized by intestinal disorders and sore throat
St. Anthony's fire erysipelas; so named because affected skin areas are bright red in appearance
St. Vitas dance ceaseless occurrence of rapid complex jerking movements performed involuntarily
Stomatitis inflammation of the mouth
Stranger's Fever yellow fever
Strangery rupture
Strangury painful, interrupted urination caused by spasms of the bladder or urethra
Sudor anglicus sweating sickness
Suffocation stoppage of respiration
Summer Complaint diarrhea, usually in infants caused by spoiled milk
Sunstroke uncontrolled elevation of body temperature due to environmental temperature
Suppuration production of pus
Swamp Sickness could be malaria, typhoid or encephalitis
Sweating Sickness infectious and fatal disease common to UK in 15th Century; fever of a day's duration or coming on in the daytime - aka Day Fever
Tabes Mesenterica tuberculosis of the mesenteric glands in children, resulting in digestive derangement and wasting of the body
Teething process of the eruption of the teeth
Tetanus infectious fever characterized by high fever, headache and dizziness
Thrombosis blood clot inside blood vessel
Thrush childhood disease characterized by spots on mouth, lips and throat
Thyrotoxicosis disease affecting the thyroid gland
Tick Fever rocky mountain spotted fever
Toxemia of Pregnancy eclampsia
Trench Mouth painful ulcers found along gum line
Trismus Nascentium form of tetanus seen only in infants, almost invariably in the first five days of life.
Trismus Neonatorum form of tetanus seen only in infants, almost invariably in the first five days of life.
Tussis Convulsiva whooping cough
Typhoid Fever infectious, often-fatal, febrile disease characterized by intestinal inflammation and ulceration; aka enteric fever.
Typhoid infectious fever characterized high fever, headache, and dizziness
Typhus infectious fever characterized high fever, headache, and dizziness
Ulceration loss of the surface covering, such as of skin or the mucous lining of the intestine
Undulant Fever intermittent fever caused by brucellosis; aka abortus fever
Variola smallpox
Venesection bleeding or blood letting; the opening of a vein for releasing Bad Humours; aka Phlebotomy
Viper's Dance St. Vitus Dance
Virus ultramicroscopic, metabolically inert infectious agent that replicates only within the cells of living hosts; in the early 1800s virus meant poison, venom, or contagion.
Water on Brain enlarged head
White Swelling tuberculosis of the bone
Whitlow ulcerous swelling, a boil; aka Ancome
Whooping Cough highly contagious disease of the respiratory system
Winter Fever pneumonia
Womb Fever infection of the uterus
Worm Fit convulsions associated with teething, worms, elevated temperature or diarrhea
Yellow Fever acute, often-fatal, infectious febrile disease of warm climates, caused by a virus
Yellowjacket Yellow fever
Yellow Jacket Yellow fever

A-H | I-Z





© 2000 Rhonda Stolte Darnell