Grandfather of James V. Crowder
Gr grandfather of Ella Lucinda Crowder Weaver
Gr gr grandfather of Inez Weaver
From the "History of Pike county, Missouri"
"John and James Patterson, sons of the Revolutionary soldier, William Patterson, came to Pike county Missouri in 1817, and that year erected a small grist mill near Rock Ford. These stones as well as another mill, are yet at the place known as the Patterson farm. In 1818 their father sold his land holdings in St. Louis county for 1800 arpens , and with his remaining family and slaves moved to Pike county where he staked a claim for property." (This property amounted to approximately 1280 acres.)
(The war record says he came from Loudoun county, Va.)
From Pike Co. MO History: p. 559
In the same year in which Watts settled on the Ramsey (1818) Wm. Patterson, with his two sons, John and William, had removed from St. Louis county and settled upon the farm upon which William now resides. (pub. 1883)
(as of September 2017, this link no longer works):
PATTERSON, Wm., vs., Hannah-Separation- May 15, 1818.
From a History of Pike Co. MO p. 561 entitled PAYNESVILLE. (Have photocopy)
"The first to weave cloth was Hannah Patterson, who as early as the year 1818 had supplied her own family and some of her neighbors with the product of the loom..........
p. 562......in 1842 Hannah Patterson, residing in the same neighborhood, committed the same act, hanging herself with a skein of yarn in an old shop situated on the farm."
State of Missouri
County of Lincoln
Hon. James L. Edwards Commishioner of Pensions Washington City. Enclosed are the papers of Elizabeth Walker of Lincoln County and William Patterson of Pike County for a pension. Elizabeth Walker after receiving instruction from the Department has produste the best proof that she can in defence of her claim and she has sent to Guilford County, State of NC, _________ for
the Certificate of the Clerk of the aforesaid County where the Marriage rights were solemnized with the request that if there is any record of her marriage to send it to the Department.
William Patterson of Pike County has formed a Declaration to the best of his recollection; but the word privet soldier is omited in the Declaration; we hope the proof that each has made will be sufficient to satisfy the Department. Elizabeth Walker is old and feble and on the mercy and Charity of Poor friend likewise on the eve of being put on the County for support.
Yours with all due Respect
Robert Greene
State of Missouri )
County of Pike ) SS
On this third day of June 1845 personally appeared before the herein after named judges of the County Court of Pike County State of Missouri. Andrew
Forgey, Richard H. Johnson, William Patterson of the County and State aforesaid aged eight five years who being first duly sworn according to the law doth on his sake make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provisions made by the act of Congress passed June 7th, 1832 that he enlisted in the army of the United States in the year 1777, with Captain James Radikin and served in the regiment not recollected of the Virginia State troops for one year and served under General Hand and was discharged 1778. Services rendered was in the State of Virginia. I again inlisted on the second day of May 1779 for one year in the State Troops in the State of Virginia, Lowden County under Captain Thomas Wells, Regiment again not recollected. Under General How and was in the battle of Monmouth and did not get clear of the army until August 1781.
I do hereby relinquish every claim whatsoever to a pension or annunity and declare that my name is not on the Pension roll of any agency in any State or Territory.
(signed) William Patterson
Aylett H. Buckner (clerk)
Probate Record 3 - Pike Co. Missouri p. 417:
William Patterson's Last Will & Testament.
I William Patterson of the County of Pike and State of Missouri do make and publish this my last will and testament as follows: To wit - first I decree my funeral expenses to be paid, second, I decree all my slaves to be free at my death; to wit, my Negro man named
Major slave for life aged about twenty three years - my Negro woman slave for life named
Fanny aged about fifty years - my negro woman slave for life named Nancy aged about twenty-one years - my Negro boy slave for life named
Madison aged about 6 months. All of which said slaves I do hereby will decree and set free to be perfectly free at my death from the claim or claims of any person whosoever. I further give and bequeath provisions to be given to them at my death together with the ? bedding and kitchen furniture which said Negroes now use. As for my children who are John Patterson, James Patterson and William Patterson, Nancy Bolden, Sarah Walker and Mary Walker, Elizabeth Crowder, Azenethe Price and Ann Harpool all and each of whom I have heretofore given about an equal portion of land, money, and personal property in advancement, I therefore do not desire to bequeath either or any of them or their heirs anything more at my death.
I do hereby appoint, James Anderson the Executor of this my last will and testiment in testimony whereof I have here unto set my hand and seal this seventeenth day of July in the year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and forty-six.
stated in the presence of the testator by
William Patterson
William Patterson died 1 Sept. 1847. He was buried on his farm in Calumet Township, Pike Co. MO, between Dover and Aberdeen on the Louisiana-Eolia Road.
William Patterson’s slaves were freed – see following census pages – it seems VERY unlikely that the story about him being killed by the slaves is true, as the freed slaves are still living in the same township together almost 3 years later.
1850 Census, MO, Pike County, Calumet Twp.
State of Missouri
Pike county
John Patterson of Pike County in the State of Missouri Makes Oath and sayes that he is a son of William Patterson (decd) late of said County of Pike and State of Missouri who was in his life time a Revolutionary soldier in the
line. That he verily believes his said father rendered service in said Revolutionary war. That he has often heard his father State that he William Patterson, served upwards of seven years in said army. That he has also heard him speak of different places and engagements they were at. That his Father was a teamster most of the
time and that he verily believes that his Statements were correct. That his father the said William Patterson (decd) made application for pension during his lifetime but died on the
first day of September eighteen hundred forty seven without leaving any widow but the following named persons his children viz. John Patterson, aged (63) years sixty three Nancy Bolden aged
(53) fifty three years Sarah Walker aged (40) forty years Elizabeth Crowder who has since died,
(Elizabeth was alive and well in Pike Co. IL until 1870! –
Betty), William Patterson Azeneth Price, & Anna Harpole (since died). Said John Patterson further states that He has heard his said father state
that He was in the Battle of Bunkers Hill Battle of Monmouth ___?____ at the taking of Burgoyne seige of little York and many other places that he cannot now think of. That his said father went from Loudon County in the State of Virginia that he thinks that his father was attached to the French army and went to Boston Massachusetts then to fort Wheeling on the Ohio River & thinks he was discharged at Norfolk at the close of the war that he makes these statements from what he has heard his said father his uncle John Patterson & James Abbott a Baptist Preacher say.
John Patterson
his mark
Subscribed and sworn to before me This 3rd day of June 1852
W. F. Gray Justice of the Peace
(Note: James Anderson, the executor of William Patterson's will, then made the same deposition to W. F. Gray, J. P. He then appointed George H.
Honsanst, of Louisville, Kentucky "his true and lawful Attorney for me and in my name to prosecute against the Government of the United States, before any Department thereof, any and all claim or claims I have to arrears of pay or pension money."
Attested to be A. N., R. K. Graves and
Thos. Thompson and Samuel F. Murray, a clerk
in the County Court.)
Ten years later, after the Civil War, Major is a few miles north of the Patterson farm and the others are very near the farm in Clarksville!
1860 Census, MO, Pike County, Bowling Green
1860 Census, MO, Pike County, Clarksville
(next page)
Note that the last two boys are classified as mulatto – also the names James, John, and William Patterson! SO, not only did she take the Patterson name, she named her boys for the
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