Newspaper Bits, Pieces and Clippings
Following are bits, pieces and
clippings from old newspapers. These give us wonderful glimpses into the lives of our
ancestors. If you have any newspaper stories/clippings you would like to add, please forward
them to Rhonda Stolte Darnell. Please be considerate and do not forward material which is copyrighted by someone else. |
How Christmas Came to the Poor House.... One day there came to
the poorhouse a woman whose head was white. |
A crowing rooster during rain indicates fair weather. If the rooster crows more than usual or earlier expect rain. When the roosters go crowing to bed they will rise with watery head. If a rooster crows on the ground it is a sign of rain; if he crows on the fence it is a sign of fair weather. Roosters are said to clap their wings in an unusual manner before rain, and hens to rub in the dust and seem very uneasy. When fowls roost in the daytime expect rain. Fowls and birds oiling their feathers indicate rain. When the hens crow expect a storm within and without. Geese wash in flocks before rain. Ducks and geese go to water and dash it over their backs a rain is imminent. Ducks are more than usually noisy on the approach of a storm, and their loud quacking is considered by farmers to be an almost unfailing sign of rainy weather. If chickens stand around under a shed during a rain the storm will be short; if they come out during the rain the storm will be along one. Buzzards flying high indicate fair weather. A solitary turkey buzzard at a great altitude indicates rain. If the crows make much noise and fly round and round expect rain. The crow flying alone is a sign of foul weather, but if they fly in pairs it's a sign of fair weather. If owls hoot at night expect fair weather. Blackbirds bring healthy weather. If owls scream in foul weather it will change to fair. Blackbirds’ notes are very shrill in advance of rain. Cuckoos hallooing on low lands indicate rain on high lands fair weather. Sparrows fly in flocks before rain. Swallows fly low in bad weather signs. Parrots refuse to talk just before a rain. Six weeks after you hear the katydid expect frost. When the thrush sings at sunset a fair day will follow. Larks when they sing long and fly high, forebode fine weather. If storks and cranes fly high and steady expect fair weather. When quails are heard in the evening fair weather is indicated for the next day When men of war hawks fly high it is a sign of a clear sky; when they fly low prepare for a blow. A solitary magpie foretells bad weather. Birds singing during rain indicates fair weather. Birds flying in groups during rain or wind indicates hail. When birds cease to sing rain and thunder will probably occur. If gnats fly in large numbers expect fair weather. Spiders always come out of their holes shortly before a rain. When spiders hide look out for a change in weather. If webs of the spider fly in the winds anticipate east winds. If spiders are busy making their webs expect fair weather. Crickets sing much more sharply just before a rain than at other times. The skin of the abdomen of frogs changes it's hue from clear white to yellow on the approach of bad weather. If cattle run around a meadow expect rain. When pigs run about with straw in their mouths a high wind is approaching. If the wool of sheep feels crisp there will be no rain. If it is limp and feels soft to the touch a storm is coming. If flowers close their petals look for rain. A yellow sunset tells of wet weather. A red sunset tells of fair weather. A red sunrise foretells wet weather. A gray sunrise foretells a dry day. A rainbow in the morning the shepherd's warning A rainbow at night the shepherds delight. Sundogs around the sun or moon indicates a storm. A deep blue sky indicates fair weather. Fog indicates settled weather If it rains before seven it will be clear by eleven. If your corns ache expect rain. If your bones are rheumatic expect rain. The falling soot of a chimney indicates bad weather. If a full moon rises red expect wind. Light yellow sunset presages wind. Hazy weather is thought to have frost in winter, snow in spring, fair weather in summer, and rain in autumn. Three foggy morns will be followed by a rain storm. When the leaves of a tree show their underside there will be rain. When the perfume of flowers or the smell of fruits are unusually noticeable expect rain. The twelve days following Christmas denote the weather for the coming twelve months one day for a month. The day of the month the first snow storm appears indicates the number of snow storms the winter will bring. Thunder on Sunday is considered by the weather-wise the sign of the death of a great man; on Monday the death of a great woman; on Tuesday if in early summer it foretells an abundance of grain; on Wednesday warfare is threatened; on Thursday an abundance of sheep and corn the farmer may reckon upon; on Friday come great man will be murdered; on Saturday, a general pestilence and great mortality. |
From TERRITORIAL PAPERS OF THE UNITED STATES, Vol. XIV. The Territory of Louisiana-Missouri, 1806-1814, Compiled and Edited by Clarence Edwin Carter: [pp. 657-658] GOVERNOR HOWARD TO THE SECRETARY OF WAR
P.S. I set out again this morning for our northern frontier and shall write you fully upon my return.
[p. 661, the last paragraph of Blondeau's report] I met a Mr Gilbert on the 3rd Inst who told me that the Indians had killed a man on Buffaloe crick by the name of Capt Jourdain. |
Miscellaneous articles in the BOWLING GREEN TIMES June 5, 1890: Jas. C. Keith, of Sherwood, Texas, formerly of St. Fancois County Missouri, supports a beard which one year ago was seven feet long, all of 15 years growth. Mr. K. is just six feet tall and his beard is so heavy he is compelled to keep it thinned out.—[Callaway Gazette.] ~ I have lately purchased (at considerable expense) an elegant, new hearse, and as I have as complete a line of Undertaking goods as can be found anywhere, I am now fully prepared to attend to any Undertaking upon short notice, with neatness, promptness and at reasonable compensation for such work. The Hearse will be furnished on very reasonable terms when desired. After business hours I can be found at my home near the mill, or Martin Campbell will be found at 3rd door west of store. All calls shall be attended to immediately. ~ TO THE PUBLIC. ~ The 7th Congressional Democratic Committee will meet at the city of Louisiana, Mo., on Tuesday June 17th, 1890 for the purpose of selecting the time and place of holding the next Democratic Congressional Convention to nominate a candidate for Congress; and also to fix the ratio of representation of each county in this district to the said convention. ~ Everybody Knows ~ October 4, 1894, pg. 5, col. 3: Ladies, don’t fail to call and see the most stylish hats in the city, at Mrs. M. Van Wisdoms, the Palace of Fashion. ~ Jos. Moore, the Populist candidate for congress, spoke to a small audience at Curryville Friday night. When he had finished his speech, Joe Kirthlink arose and fairly made the welkin ring, chewing Mr. Moore up in grand style. Joe claims to be a Republican. ~ October 11, 1894, pg. 4., col. 4: We are glad to learn that Col. Hume, whose mill recently burned at Bowling Green, is preparing to put up a splendid brick mill into which he will put all the modern machinery for the manufacture of flour. The fire doubtless caused Mr. Hume considerable loss but will prove of large benefit to the business and other interests of our county seat. A good mill, as we know by experience, is worth everything to a town. ~ From several localities in the state comes the report that horses have died from eating chinch bug fodder. It might be well enough for farmers whose corn was infested by chinch bugs to be a little guarded upon this point. ~ We are unofficially informed that the annual meet of the Missouri and Illinois Fox Hunters Association will be held at the spring on John Fielder’s farm near Calumet Church—the old Hick’s place—beginning Monday, October 8th. |
The Bowling Green Times Courthouse News: ____ Marriage Licenses Lafe Windmiller, of Clarksville and Mary Kull, of Louisiana, - April 28th Real Estate Transfers J. C. Gentry, M.T. Nalley and A.W. Forgey to Olie Poole and Gertrude H Poole , one acre in Survey 31, Twp 52, Range 1 W, adjoining Eolia. Considerations six hundred twenty-five dollars. Nancy Royalty to Frederick W, Russe, Jr., the NW1/4 of Section 8,Twp 52, N. Range 1 W, containing 38 acres. Consideration four hundred fifty dollars. Clyde Epperson and Mel Epperson to Lorin Gilbert and Cecil Gilbert, the NE corner of Lot No.7 in Block No.1 of Ashburn. One dollar and other good an valuable considerations. John Hobbs to Floyd B. Ash and Julia A Ash, the E 1/2 of the SE.1/4 of Sec. 16 in Twp 51. R 4 W, containing 10 acres. Considerations, One thousand and four hundred dollars. F.C. Haley, 3rd and Dorothy Haley to Paul Stepanek and Mary Stepanek, Lot No. 22 in Block No.3 of Marshall S. Allen's first addition to Louisiana. One dollar and other valuable considerations. Phoenix Joint Stock Land Bank of Kansas City, to William E. Page and Alice M. Page, the E.1/2 of the NW ? of Sec. 12, Twp 54, R 3. Consideration $1.00. The Mercantile Bank to Joe Venable and Ora Venable Lot No. 553 and the S 1/2 of Lot No. 554 in Block No. 63 of Louisiana. One dollar and other consideration. Stark Brothers Nurseries and Orchard Company to Marvin C Johnson, the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Sec. 19 in Twp 54, N R 1 W. Valuable consideration and one dollar. Joseph C. Weber and Mary Weber, to Mary E Ruffin, a part of tract NO. 5 of Kling's subdivision. One dollar and valuable considerations. Attend Silver Tea Given at Vandalia The Fidelis Class of the Vandalia Baptist Church entertained with a tea at the New Davies funeral home, Friday afternoon. Tea was served at three and four o'clock In the afternoon and eight in the evening. Those who attended from Bowling Green were: Mesdames I. W. Hungate, J.H. McPike, Burkett McPike, Tom Cornish, Edward V. Long, Price Maddox, Tully Reeds, Arthur Kleppisch, Grover Price, Paul Sanderson and son, Dicki, W.E. Kleppisch and the girls's trio who sung. Patsy Sue Kleppisch, Margaret Anne Ball and Margie Fray. Mrs. Glover Fillingham of Vandalia was also on the program. |
More Newsy Bits and Pieces
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