Following are bits, pieces and
clippings from old newspapers. These give us wonderful glimpses into the lives of our
ancestors. If you have any newspaper stories/clippings you would like to add, please forward
them to Rhonda Stolte Darnell.
Please be considerate and do not forward material which is copyrighted
by someone else. |
Middletown Chips
July 17, 1930

and Pieces |
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Breneman and family and Mrs. Sallie Johnston, of Curryville, spent Sunday with Tommy Jones and family.
T. S. Jones, Jr., is spending two weeks vacation visiting Vorus Grady and family of Moberly.
Prof. T. E. Vaughan has resigned as Superintendent of the Wellsville schools, to accept a position with the state Teachers' Association at Columbia.
A. R. Pritchett, chief accountant for the Sharp Chain Stores Co., left here Tuesday with J. W. Sharp, head and founder of the Company, to make the rounds of the various Sharp stores.
Mrs. B. F. Slavens and grandchildren, Roy and Helen Slavens, Mrs. Fay Utterback and children Glennarice, and Joe, were shopping in St. Louis Tuesday.
Miss Margaret Uptegrove, of near Montgomery City, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. M. M. Davidson this week.
Glenna Fern Gilbert is visiting her uncle, A.R. Oliver and family, in St. Louis this week.
Mesdames D.R. Nolan, J.P. Robinson, and W.H. Graham were visitors in Mexico, Monday.
Mrs. Annie Halley had as dinner guests Sunday, Rev. C.C. Riley, John Belot and family, Mrs. Mary Belot, Ernest Moore, ane [sic] Miss Lola Alderson.
Clyde Sharp and wife of Pleasanton, Kans., and J.W. Sharp of Schell City, Mo., spent from Friday evening until Tuesday here.
Mrs. Fannie Houston, of near Gazette spent the week end here with Mrs. Amanda Clare.
C.D. Hendershott and son Paul, of Warrenton, spent Sunday here with H.O. Robinson and wife and other relatives.
C.D. Tully and wife attended the funeral of Mr. Henry Elzea at Vandalia last Sunday.
Harry Berger, who has been teaching at Deadwood, S.D., arrived last week to visit his mother, Mrs. Emma Berger. His wife is visiting her parents at Marceline, and will come here later.
Ellis Rentfro and wife and Miss Sallie Oden spent Thursday evening with Warren Oden and wife. Mr. Oden is convalescing nicely from his recent operation.
Everett Lemasters, of Jefferson City, spent a few hours here Friday evening. He returned home htat night, accompanied by Mrs. Lemasters and two sons who have been visiting here and by Mrs. Jeannie D. Rigg, who will make a short visit with them.
Home Davidson and wife, and Wade Vermillion, who spent the past two weeks here, returned to their homes in St. Louis Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. H E. Hobbie, of Fullerton, Calif., arrived Saturday for an extended visit with Lou Ankrom and wife, and other relatives and friends. Mrs. Hob |
Middletown Chips
July 17, 1930
and Pieces |
What Congressman Cannon
thinks of the Picnic.
Washington, D. C.,
June 27, 1930
Dear Mr. Porter,
I am just in receipt of your very welcome letter extending a generous invitation to be present and enjoy the hospitality of the Old Settlers Re-Union at Lemasters' Grove on August 8th.
Mrs. Cannon and I were at the Re-Union last year, and although the weather had been very unfavorable and it had rained the night before, they had a tremendous crowd and we enjoyed it more than any picnic I have attended for a long time.
If I am in Missouri on that date you can be sure Ida and I will be there. We promised ourselves last year that we would come again this year and see the picnic in good weather. They have the most beautiful grounds for picnic purposes to be found anywhere in the State of Missouri and we planned on our way back home last year that we would be there this time.
However, I will be kept in Washington for more than a month on some work which has been given me by the Congress and which must be completed before I can return home.
I am afraid it will run me past August 9th, but if I can get through and get back to Missouri by that time I will certainly be at the picnic. Please remember me most cordially to Mr. Lemasters. He is one of the notable men of Montgomery County and Speaker Clark though a great deal of him.
With kindest regards to Mrs. Porter and with deepest appreciation of your hospitable invitations,
Your friend,
Clarence Cannon.
A Letter from Bud Copenhaver
McAllen, Tex., 7-6 '30
Dear Editor -- We have been in the Valley six years last Monday, June 30th, and we have never been sorry that we made the move.
We think it the greatest place for climate, soil and good people, We have a paved road in front of our house and it is fine. The International Highway is but forty rods East of us. You see we are sitting pretty. I believe it is claimed that Hidalgo and Cameron counties, of Texas, have more paved roads than any other two counties in the Union.
I could write and tell you some wonderful things about the lower Rio Grande Valley, but you will have to come and see to believe it, and so will anyone else that has never been here.
I will close for this time. Give my best regards to all my friends in and around Middletown.
Yours very truly,
M. G. Copenhaver.
P. S. Tell Tom Hall and Archie to write me and tell me all the news in our old neighborhood.
M. G. C.
Mr. Copenhaver, "Bud," as he was generally called by his
intimates here at his old home, sent the $$ along to keep Chips going his way. And, by the way, we happen to remember that both he and Mr. Tom Hall have been on Chips' subscription list from No. 1, Vol. 1, nearly fifty years.
--Ed. |
Middletown Chips
July 17, 1930
and Pieces |
Miss Mildred Welch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Welch of New Providence, Iowa, and Mr. Glen C. Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Jones of Middletown, Mo, were married June 28, 1930, at Marshalltown, Iowa. They will be at home to their friends, for the present, on a farm near New Providence, Iowa.
Everybody happy? They will be July 19th at the big Picnic at Wellsville. A Free Car for some one.
F. and M. Bank of
Montgomery City Closed
The Farmers and Merchants Bank at Montgomery City closed its doors by order of the board of directors. Frozen loans given as the cause.
We are sorry to hear that Mr. C. W. French is quite sick again. We hope to be able to report his complete recovery at an early date.
Miss Barnett, of Oklahoma, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. M. Howard and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rottger, and daughter, and Miss Susie Bourne of Hennessey, Okla. came in town Tuesday to visit relatives and friends, and to attend the Tri-County Picnic. |
Middletown Chips
July 17, 1930

and Pieces |
Mt. Carmel
L. C. Kirk and wife, who spent the past two weeks visiting relatives in this neighborhood, left on Thursday of last week for their home in Detroit, Michigan.
Mrs. Robt. Houston went to Middletown Saturday for an extended visit with Mrs. Amanda Clare and Rev. W. A. Dameron and family.
When in town, visit Jones' Confectionery.
Miss Rheva Wright spent several days the past week with her grandparents, Bud Wright, near Gazette.
G. B. Moore and wife were Sunday visitors at Benton
Misses Alberta Chandler, Mona Daniels, Opal Ward, Mamie Belle McKinsey, Rev. Keeler, and Francis Chandler, motored to Bowling Green Wednesday and attended Young People's
Wellsville wants women and men to attend the Picnic and perhaps win an automobile, July 19.
Leslie Wright and family were Sunday visitors at Curryville.
Howard Teague spent Sunday with Wendell and Lowell
Miss Francis Moore spent Sunday with her father, Carl Moore and family.
Fred Utterback and wife, and Clarence Bishop, wife, and baby girl, were dinner guests of Leland Hamlett and family Sunday.
Miss Juanita Rafer, of Vandalia is the guest of Miss Ione Teague.
Wm. McKinsey, wife and three daughters, and Mrs. N.J. Wallace were calling on Harold Houstong and wife Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. John Gillespie had the misfortune of getting her nose broken Sunday.
Specials at Jones' Confectionery Saturday nights and Sundays.
Miss Lorene Houston spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Houston.
Mrs. Leland Houston and small daughter, Louise, visited Mrs. Howard Houston Monday. |
Middletown Chips
July 17, 1930
and Pieces |
For Circuit Clerk
We are authorized to announce
H.T. (Jack) FARMER
as a candidate for Clerk of the Cir-
cuit Court of Montgomery County,
subject to the Democratic primary,
Tuesday, August 5, 1930.
For Collector of Revenue
we are authorized to announce
as a candidate for Collector of the
Revenue of Montgomery County,
subject to the Democratic primary,
Tuesday, August 5, 1930.
Guardian's Notice.
Notice is Hereby Given, That Letters of Guardianship on the estate of William W. Surls and Nancy A. Surls, persons of unsound mind, were granted to the undresigned on the 9th day of June 1930, by the Probate Court of Montgomery County, Missouri.
All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the undersigned Guardian within six months after the date of said appointment, or they may be precluded from any benefit of such estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within one year from the date of the granting of said certificate of appointment, they will be forever barred.
Date of first insertion 12th day of June 1930.
R.H. McCoy, Guardian
With the Seal of said Court.
E. L. Brigham, Judge of Probate Court.
First insertion in Chips June 12, 1930, Vol 48, No. 41
Notice to Poll Tax Payers
Poll tax payers in Middletown Special Road District are hereby notified that Poll
Tax is now due and must be paid. Save extra expense by paying same at once.
Road Commissioners.
Use Sanitary Ice
The kind that you can safely use in your iced tea or lemonade, as well as in your refrigerator ---
For Sale at
Jones' Confectionery |
Middletown Chips
July 17, 1930
and Pieces |
By Virtue of Order of the Probate Court held in and for the County of Montgomery and State of Missouri, made at the June Term, 1930, of said Court, I will, in obedience to said order, on SATURDAY THE 26th DAY OF JULY NEXT A. D. 1930, at the front door of the Court House, in the City of Montgomery in said County, and during the session of the Probate Court held in and for said County, expose to sale at public auction, all the right, title and interest of
Rebecca A. Barnes, deceased, of, in and to the following described Real Estate, to wit:
All of the East part of Lot No. One (1) in Block No. Five (5) in Johnson's Second Addition to the Town of Middletown. described as follows to-wit: Fronting sixty-eight feet, more or less, on Johnson Street and running back One hundred and nineteen feet to an Alley fourteen feet wide being the East side of said Lot One in said Block Five, in Johnson's Second Addition to Middletown, Missouri. Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot No. Two in Block No. Five, in Johnson's Second Addition to Middletown, Missouri, running thence South along said East line one hundred and twenty feet to South Street, thence West Sixty-eight feet more or less along said South Stret, thence North One hundred and twenty feet to a fourteen foot Alley, thence East sixty-eight feet more or less to the place of beginning, all in the County of Montgomery, and State of Missouri.
Said sale to be made for the payment of debts due and owing by said Estate.
Administrator of Estate of
Rebecca A. Barnes,
First insertion in Chips June 26, 1930, Vol. 48, No. 43 |
Middletown Chips
July 17, 1930

and Pieces |
I have new white and colored Felt Hats arriving each week.
Priced Right.
Virgie Berry.
Pasture for Rent.
Cattle pasture for rent. See or Phone me.
Miss Dora Wright,
Marling, Mo.
Hunters Keep Out
The undersigned hereby notify all persons that no hunting will be allowed on lands owned or leased by them; either with dogs and gun, with gun and no dogs, or with gun only. Anyone, hunter caught trespassing after this notice appears in print will be prosecuted to full limit of the law.
Asa. Parkey.
J. E. Dillion -- including all of J-B. Dillions ands.
J. J. Alderson
R. L. Hensley
B. D. Hamilton.
A. R. Cunningham -- includes O. B. Nutter farm.
W. R. Henson.
Frank Summerton.
E. C. Hobbs.
Champ Heim.
Wm. Heim.
E. O. Brown.
J. R. Underwood.
Elbert Lemasters -- including the former Ed O'Leary farm.
Ora Hollensteiner -- the former C. F. Butler place.
Wilkes Lemasters
Mrs. LuVica Hobbs -- including the Effie Wagner 40
acres the old Camp Grounds.
Emmett Fitzgerald.
Leverett Bros.
Robert Berger.
Mrs. L. A. Faulhaber.
Roland Wortman -- known as the Thos. E. McKelvey place.
C. C. Leach -- including all my land in Montgomery and
Audrain counties, Mo.
Mrs. Fanny Ray.
J. N. Belot.
M. M. Felkins and Clyde Nolan farm.
George Barley -- Harry Cohagen farm.
A. A. May
Wm. Cohagen.
J. C. Moore.
John Hall, including the Thos. Hall and Raleigh farms.
George Hagood, (leasee of J. T. Alward and Cameron
Alward farms.)
Enos T. Moore.
A. E. Hall -- and including Stacy Copendaver land.
J. E. McCall.
(Additional names at 25¢ each) |